We are living in an era where technological advances are common and accelerate progress on sustainable development goals.
Research questions related to this theme are: How could we be sure in advance that the changes that new technologies bring will make our society more sustainable? What if technological solutions to problems are creating or aggravating other problems? And how did our technological choices in the past affect our current societal challenges?
ICATH’2025 aims to pave the way toward achieving sustainable development goals by highlighting technological innovations in human-centred approaches.
ICATH’2025 will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject. It provides a high-level international forum and an excellent venue for scientists, researchers, students and industry leaders.
ICATH’2025 welcomes submissions from the whole spectrum of technologies for humanity field. The list of themes and topics includes, but is not limited to:
- Smart education and intelligent learning systems
- Smart economy and digital businesses
- Smart Urban agriculture
- Smart healthcare
- Citizen sensors and crowdsourcing
- Smart urban infrastructure technologies
- Sustainable environment and Green urbanism solutions
- E-Administration & E-Services
- Smart Economy and Digital Marketing
- Smart Urban governance
- Smart mobility
- Case studies and innovative applications
- Multi-thematic applications for smart cities
- Data science and Security
- Cloud Computing and Big data
- Software Engineering for communication systems
- Wireless communications
- Mobile, ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Image Processing and Computer Vision
- Point cloud, signal processing and tools
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Natural Languages Processing
- Blockchain and cybersecurity
- e-Health applications
- 3D Visualization, Virtual/Augmented & Mixed reality
- Renewable Energies
- Green energy technologies
- Power to X
- Energy efficiency challenges
- Lighting Technologies
- Energy Management and Electrical Engineering
- Energy storage and network balancing
- Grid integration and infrastructure
- Computing and Energy system modelling
- Climate change and environmental policies
- Fuel cell catalysts and catalyst support
- Power system management
- Smart Grid and Distributed Energy Resources
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials
- Building Operating Systems in the construction industry
- Human Computer Interaction for smart buildings
- Composite materials and Polymers
- Computer Vision for Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Construction 4.0
- Soil-Structure Interaction
- Mechanical Systems and Equipment for Buildings
- Smart Building Structures
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- Digital Twins
- Building Energy Efficiency
- Fire Science and Fire-Protection Systems for Buildings
- Digital and Sustainable Manufacturing
- Smart Factories
- Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
- Robotics and Automation
- Digital twins for manufacturing
- Human-Machine Interaction
- Reliability and maintenance X.0
- Supply chain and Logistics X.0
- Proactive and predictive management in manufacturing

Each regular paper presentation will least 15 minutes. Presentations will be presented in parallel thematic sessions. Authors will be informed about the reference of his/her session and the time of his/her presentation about 10 days before the event.
All ICATH’2025 accepted and presented papers are expected to be published by International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange (IEREK) in the following book series indexed by SCOPUS : Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) and Sustainable Civil Infrastructure (SUCI).
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to high-quality journals.
1- The conference will check plagiarism for all the articles before prior publication. If the plagiarism content is observed by scientific committee, peer reviewers or by staff members at any stage of publication process, at the time of editing or proof reading will be informed to author to rewrite the manuscript.
2- In any case if the submitted original manuscript is more than 20% plagiarized then the article will be rejected and the same will be notified to author.
3- Paper content (unpublished work) must be original and relevant to one of the many conference topics
4- The acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, elegance, practical and theoretic impact
5- Each paper will be reviewed by three PC members .
6- The acceptance decisions will take into account the originality, practical & theoretical impact, and the paper presentation.
7- Manuscripts should respect the following SPRINGER template (12 pages), including figures, tables, and references.( Word || Latex )
8- All submissions should be written in English.
9- Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered
10- All papers should be submitted to the ICATH’2025 Easychair online submission website at
11-Changes cannot be made during the review process. If accepted, minor revisions may be made prior to final submission.
Feel free to download and share the pdf version of the call for papers
Authors of all the accepted papers must submit the final manuscript electronically. Please revise the paper strictly in accordance with the referee’s comments. Publication chairs will go through all the final camera-ready papers before finalizing the proceedings.
Length: Camera-ready papers may be up to 12 (twelve) pages, including figures, tables, and references.( Word || Latex )
Final Manuscripts are to be submitted by following the steps below:
- Revise your manuscript in accordance with the referee’s comments using the template provided.
- The conference chairs will check plagiarism for in all the articles before publication. Please make sure that the similarity score is between 10-15% or less for your paper. If plagiarism content is observed, the chairs can remove your paper from the final conference program.
- After completion of the above steps and payment, please submit your registration using the Google form provided here: Registration Form
- Your revised manuscript must be also uploaded to your Easychair personal account.