Lina Khaddour
personal info
Dr. Lina Khaddour is a distinguished construction management and sustainable built environment specialist with over two decades of experience in consultancy, teaching, grants management, consultancy and international research. Her passion lies in user-focused research, delivering practical solutions benefiting the construction industry, higher education, and society.With extensive leadership roles including, Lead of Msc Environmental Sustainability and Lead of Research Integrity at Edinburgh Napier University, UK, Head of Engineering and Environmental Department at Middle East University, Jordan. She was Associate Professor and Research Lead at the International University of Science and Technology, Syria. Dr. Khaddour was a visiting lecturer at the American University of Beirut. Earlier she was a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University.
Beside to a career in academia, Dr. Khaddour is a consultant, auditor, and reviewer for several national and international bodies. Also, she was the head of Environment, Health & Safety Department at Sinopic in Damascus.
Dr. Khaddour research is generally interdisciplinary in nature. It emphasises the application of innovative technologies and data-driven techniques in sustainable buildings, policy decision-making, change management, supply chain management, life-cycle assessment, modular integrated construction, and energy efficiency.
Her contributions to post-disaster sustainable reconstruction have earned global recognition and prestigious awards. Dr. Khaddour has a robust publication record and has secured significant research grants and knowledge transfer partnership with China, Turkey, Jourdan, Syria, Lebanon, Malawi, Yamen. As a keynote speaker, Dr. Khaddour brings invaluable insights into sustainability, innovation, and collaborative partnerships.