Title : The pavement of the future : Innovations & Challenges

 The field of Pavement Engineering is constantly evolving to meet the challenges posed by climate change and advancements in transportation technologies. In this note, we will delve deeper into the future of pavements and explore the innovative trends that we can expect to see in the coming years. One such trend is Energy Harvesting, which involves designing pavements that can generate energy from various sources. For instance, piezoelectric components can be incorporated into pavements to produce electricity from the pressure of foot traffic or vehicles. This technology has the potential to power streetlights, signals, and other infrastructure directly from the traffic that uses the roads, making them more energy-efficient and cost-effective. Another exciting trend in pavement engineering is the development of Self-Healing Materials, which can repair cracks in pavements as they form. This innovation has the potential to reduce maintenance costs and prolong the lifespan of roadways significantly. Smart Sensors embedded within pavement structures can provide real-time data on traffic patterns, pavement conditions, and environmental impacts, enabling optimized traffic flow and improved maintenance scheduling. Recycling and Reuse of materials, such as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), will become increasingly important in the future, as it reduces environmental impact and conserves natural resources. As pavements need to be more resilient to extreme temperatures, heavy rainfall, and other stressors caused by climate change, Climate Adaptation will be critical. Future pavement designs may also incorporate green infrastructure, including features like green spaces and materials that reduce heat island effects, improve urban air quality, and mitigate the effects of climate change. In conclusion, the future of pavements is exciting and promising as new technologies and innovations continue to emerge.
Pavement engineers will continue to play a crucial role in designing infrastructure that is safe, sustainable, and resilient to the challenges of today and tomorrow.
 Dr. Shadi Saadeh is a professor of civil engineering at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), and the director of the National Center for Transportation Green Technology and Education (TransGet) at CSULB. Dr. Saadeh worked for Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) 2003-2005 and Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) 2006-2007. He received his B.Sc. in civil engineering from the University of Jordan (1997), M.Sc. in civil engineering from Washington State University (2002), and Ph.D. in civil engineering from Texas A & M University (2005). His research focuses on topics directly related to granular materials, including asphalt mixes and its constituents.
His main research areas are constitutive modeling of highway materials at the microstructural level, preservation technologies, sustainability and life-cycle assessment, performance of highway infrastructure, experimental characterization of highway materials using X-ray computed tomography (CT), image analysis techniques, and mechanical testing. Dr Saadeh has received several research and scholarly activities awards. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, an author and reviewer for many scientific journals such as the Journal of Transportation Research Board (TRB), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the Journal of the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE), Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT), and Journal of Computational Materials Science
Napier University

Title : Building Back Better : Applying Circular Economy to Post-disaster Reconstruction technology through Use of Waste Materials

In the wake of numerous natural and man-made disasters around the world, there is an urgent need to prioritize resilience in community planning. Research efforts aimed at assessing the environmental impacts and resilience of the built environment, including exploring various intervention strategies for low to positive energy buildings and urban districts, are underway in many institutions. The Build Back Better initiative advocates for communities to rebuild beyond the pre-disaster state, emphasizing safety, sustainability, and resilience.
My intervention will delve into the concept of "Building Back Better" as a holistic approach to rebuilding communities following disaster events. Central to this approach is the adoption of circular economy principles in the built environment, which entails identifying sustainable alternative materials and enhancing cost competitiveness through supportive policies and regulations. The built environment, being a significant consumer of resources like cement, aluminum, steel, and plastic, is responsible for a substantial portion of industrial carbon emissions. Embracing circular economy principles in design and construction is vital for reducing these emissions and fostering resilience.
To achieve a transition to net-zero emissions, there must be a concerted effort to enhance the supply and accessibility of circular materials globally. Circular materials, including pre-used, low-carbon, recyclable, or recycled materials, play a crucial role in sustainable construction practices. Various benefits can be achieved, including cost reduction, reduced reliance on virgin materials, and decreased CO2 emissions. This intervention will shed light on the potential of waste materials to provide tailored properties for post-disaster reconstruction applications, challenging stereotypes about their mechanical properties and highlighting their contribution to sustainability and durability.

Dr. Lina Khaddour is a distinguished construction management and sustainable built environment specialist with over two decades of experience in consultancy, teaching, grants management, consultancy and international research. Her passion lies in user-focused research, delivering practical solutions benefiting the construction industry, higher education, and society.With extensive leadership roles including, Lead of Msc Environmental Sustainability and Lead of Research Integrity at Edinburgh Napier University, UK, Head of Engineering and Environmental Department at Middle East University, Jordan. She was Associate Professor and Research Lead at the International University of Science and Technology, Syria. Dr. Khaddour was a visiting lecturer at the American University of Beirut. Earlier she was a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University.

Beside to a career in academia, Dr. Khaddour is a consultant, auditor, and reviewer for several national and international bodies. Also, she was the head of Environment, Health & Safety Department at Sinopic in Damascus.

Dr. Khaddour research is generally interdisciplinary in nature. It emphasises the application of innovative technologies and data-driven techniques in sustainable buildings, policy decision-making, change management, supply chain management, life-cycle assessment, modular integrated construction, and energy efficiency.

Her contributions to post-disaster sustainable reconstruction have earned global recognition and prestigious awards. Dr. Khaddour has a robust publication record and has secured significant research grants and knowledge transfer partnership with China, Turkey, Jourdan, Syria, Lebanon, Malawi, Yamen. As a keynote speaker, Dr. Khaddour brings invaluable insights into sustainability, innovation, and collaborative partnerships.

School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, UK

Title : Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technologies for Healthcare Applications

World-leading multi-disciplinary research by Professor Hussain is pioneering the development of trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) an advanced technologies to engineer the next-generation of smart healthcare systems. This talk will provide an introduction to these cutting-edge technologies and outline a number of real-world use cases including future research directions and challenges.
Dr. Amir Hussain obtained his B.Eng (1st Class Honours with distinction) and Ph.D from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK, in 1992 and 1997 respectively. Following an UK EPSRC funded Postdoctoral Fellowship (1996-98) and Research Lectureship at the University of Dundee, UK (2018-20), he joined the University of Stirling, UK, in 2000 where he was appointed to a Personal Chair in Cognitive Computing in 2012. Since 2018, he has been Director of the Centre of AI and Robotics at Edinburgh Napier University, UK. His research and innovation interests are cross-disciplinary and industry-led, aimed at developing cognitive data science and responsible AI technologies to engineer the smart healthcare and industrial systems of tomorrow. He has co-authored around 600 papers including nearly 300 journal papers and 25 Books and supervised over 40 PhD students. He has led major national and international projects, as Principal Investigator, including the current multi-million pound COG-MHEAR programme (funded under the UK EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050 Call) that aims to develop truly personalised assistive hearing and communication technologies. He is founding Chief Editor of (Springer's) Cognitive Computation journal (SCI impact factor: 5.4) and Editorial Board member for (Elsevier’s) Information Fusion and various IEEE Transactions, including on: Artificial Intelligence; Neural Networks and Learning Systems; Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Systems); and Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence. Amongst other distinguished roles, he is an executive committee member of the UK Computing Research Committee (the national expert panel of the IET and BCS for UK computing research). He served as General Chair of the 2020 IEEE WCCI (the world’s largest IEEE technical event on computational intelligence, comprising the flagship IJCNN, IEEE CEC and FUZZ-IEEE) and the 2023 IEEE Smart World Congress (featuring six co-located IEEE Conferences).
Abdeldjelil BELARBI,

Title : Corrosion challenges and potential solutions toward a more durable and sustainable civil engineering infrastructures.

In the last seven decades, several studies have been reported on issues of corrosion which include harm to human health and damage to infrastructure and it was estimated that corrosion costs the world with about 2.5 trillion USD, annually.  Over many decades, researchers have studied the effects of natural hazards such as earthquakes, wildfires, severe weather, and environmental disturbances with a primary goal to design and build a safe and resilient civil engineering infrastructure.  Likewise, corrosion effects are as, if not more, important and can cause dangerous and expensive damage to drinking water systems and pipelines, bridges, and buildings.  In the US, there are over 600,000 bridges and approximately 15% of these bridges are structurally deficient and the total annual direct cost related to corrosion issues is close to 10 billion USD. To combat this ongoing cancer-like issue in infrastructure, new construction materials have emerged.  The use of non-corrosive reinforcement, such as fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP), has increased within the last few decades.  More recently, high-strength stainless steel (HSSS) strands were introduced as another corrosion-resistant solution. Accordingly, this presentation will give an overview of recent advances in the use of corrosion-resistant materials and their implication in the design of durable and long-lasting civil engineering infrastructure.
Dr. Abdeldjelil Belarbi is Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Professor, a Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Houston. Before joining the University of Houston in 2009, he was a Distinguished Professor at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He is actively engaged in a broad spectrum of structural engineering research areas. His primary research contributions focus on constitutive modeling, analytical, and experimental investigations of structural concrete. His research has also focused on smart structures and the use of advanced materials for both new constructions and the rehabilitation of aging and deteriorated civil engineering infrastructure.
Dr. Belarbi has served as principal investigator or co-investigator on numerous research projects has published over 260 technical papers and reports and has supervised over 50 MSCE theses and PhD dissertations. Dr. Belarbi is a Fellow of ASCE, ACI, SEI, and IIFC. He is also very active (member and/or Chair) on several national technical committees within ACI, PCI, ASCE, and TRB.  Dr. Belarbi is the recipient of over thirty (30) national and university awards and honors for his excellence in research, teaching, and professional activities.
Pierre-Martin TARDIF,
USherbrooke , CANADA

Title : Managing information confidentiality when simulating an industrial control system including IIoT in a third-party infrastructure.

The presentation focuses on the challenge of managing information confidentiality when simulating an industrial control system (ICS) that includes Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) components within a third-party infrastructure. The speaker highlights the importance of safeguarding sensitive data in simulated environments, particularly when using external infrastructure. He will explore various strategies for mitigating risks associated with information confidentiality in simulated ICS environments.
Raimondo LUCIANO,

Title : Challenges and advancements in Nano-Engineering


Modeling, design and optimization of innovative materials and ultra-small structures is attracting considerable attention within the scientific community, driven by recent advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The development of increasingly compact and smart electromechanical devices, including nanoscale sensors, actuators, resonators and energy harvesters, represents rapidly evolving research fields with several applications ranging from Nanoengineering to Biomechanics. Innovative nanomaterials are emerging as effective tools for creating next-generation devices and enhancing composite structures.

It is widely recognized that modeling innovative nano-systems and advanced materials requires a thorough consideration of complex scale phenomena. Atomistic approaches that account for the discrete nature of matter are computationally expensive and thus, alternative strategies to address this task have turned to Nonlocal Continuum Mechanics. Nonlocal theories can effectively account for size effects although open questions remain about their mathematical consistency and the well-posedness of the relative structural problem. Addressing these challenges is one of the aims of this lecture. Further goals also include validating theoretical formulations with experimental data and assessing length scale parameters.

The objective of this discussion is to provide a comprehensive overview of nonlocal continuum methodologies, focusing on the challenges of theoretical formulations and their effectiveness in addressing nanophenomena. The lecture will cover significant achievements and recent contributions in nonlocal modeling of nanostructures, highlighting the ongoing progress and areas for further exploration.

Dr. Raimondo LUCIANO is Full Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Department of Engineering of the University of Naples “Parthenope” (Italy) and he is Vice President of the National Committee for Research Evaluation from 2021. Previously he was Full Professor at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy), Associate Professor at the University of Salerno (Italy) and Visiting Professor at the West Virginia University of Morgantown (USA) and at the University of Cambridge (UK). He served as a member of the National Committee of Guarantors for Research (CNGR) ( from 2019 to 2021. He was member of the National Committee of the MIUR for PRIN 2015-2016: 1483 project proposals for a request of one billion euros. He was a member of the national biennial commission for eligibility for first and second-tier professors in Structural Engineering: around 500 candidates. He was the Coordinator of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Area at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio from 2012 to 2015. He was the President of the Self-Assessment Group for the Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. He has successfully led research activities of several competitive national and international projects. His research activity has gained international recognition, evident through over 6000 citations on SCOPUS, 185 high-impact publications, and an h-index of 53. His main research topics are represented by innovative materials and nanostructures; nano-engineered materials and nanocomposites; nonlocal constitutive models; multiscale structures; functionally graded structures; smart composites and biomaterials for energy efficiency in construction and for energy systems from renewable sources.


Title : A Collision Protection System Integrated with Remote Monitoring for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Girder

Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University , Turkey

Title : Recent device topologies and advancements in residential PV power conversion


The grid-connected solar inverters are the key devices interfacing solar power plant with utility and play crucial role in residential PV applications. Although three-phase inverters were industry standard in large photovoltaic (PV) power plant applications, the microgrid regulations increased the use of single-phase inverters in residential power plants and grid interconnection. This speech presents a detailed review on single-phase grid-connected solar inverters in terms of their improvements in circuit topologies and control methods. The content provides a differentiating approach by focusing on novel circuit topologies and control methods of string and micro inverters. The single and multi-stage solar inverters are reviewed in terms of emerging DC-DC converter and unfolding inverter topologies while the novel control methods of both stages will be presented in a comprehensive manner. The isolated and transformer less circuit topologies have been investigated by experimental and commercial devices. The soft computing, evolutionary and swarm intelligence-based algorithms will also be summarized in MPPT methods section while current injection and grid-connection control methods of unfolding inverters stage are presented with and without PLL architecture.

Pr. Luciano FEO
Campus di Fisciano, Edificio L2,
Piano Terra, stanza 019 (U.FL-ING03.PTE.019)
Salerno, Italy
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Pr. Brahim El bhiri
Angles Rues Zerhoun, Ejoukak and Ait Brahim
Souissi, Rabat, Morocco
Morocco 70.0% Morocco
United States of America 8.4% United States of America
Egypt 2.9% Egypt
Unknown 2.4% Unknown
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